(Mischpoche = family)
With this project I am searching for my way of being jewish. How much is left from my czech family who got killed in the Shoa. I thought talking with 29 Jews living in Germany will enlighten and help me to find my connection. During the interviews I heard incredible interesting and funny stories. But the conversations also turned out to be about transgenerational traumata. What is passed through from our grandparents and the special meaning of living in Germany. and although I got my kosher certificate from Yael (thanks), I still dont know how to feel. The search goes on.
To read all the interviews please visit www.mischpoche.eu a dedicated website for the project.
You may want to order the book for a donation at www.amcha.de too.
The work was exhibited in Berlin 2022 and is ready to be shown in other places. If you are interested I am happy to help.
This project was photographed within the festivities of 2100 years of jewish life in Germany, financed by the Ministry of Interior and Heimat, and supported by Amcha Deutschland.